Saturday, December 10, 2011

Negotiations: For better or for worse

    When you really think about negotiating, you think back on the many times you pleaded with your parents for something you really wanted. As a kid, you was only thinking about yourself and not really looking at the bigger picture. Once you got that toy, you didn’t care if that was your mom/dad’s last dollars. When you got older, you realized you have to think about both parties and concealing your emotions help. The same applies in business. I interviewed Betty Richardson, the accountant for the Memphis Job Corps Center (MJCC).

    Richardson has been the accountant for MJCC for 16 years. She explains to me that when you are dealing with money, the emotions are high. “Everyone has emotions but the truth is everyone can’t control their emotions. "The key is controlling your emotions at all times.” Richard has three children and knows a few things about negotiating and emotions. When I asked her about emotions in the workplace, she said that it was no different from what she experience with her children.

    As an accountant for MJCC, Richardson negotiates with people on a personal level. When I asked her what she meant by that, she replied by saying that people’s money is very personal to them. Either way you look at it, everyone wants to ensure that they are receiving all the money they worked for. Sometimes employees come to her office and are emotional about missing some money on their paychecks. Richardson says she always keep her emotions in check because it gives her control of the situation and separates the people from the problem. Richardson tells me that there are times when she negotiates with employees about vacation time. She helps employees pick times that will benefit both the employee and the business.

    The last thing I asked Richardson about was having a BATNA and being appreciated. Richardson says having a BATNA is something you should always have, not just for yourself but also for the negotiation as a whole. “A BATNA keeps you in control either way.” Richardson says appreciation means a lot. “A simple thank you goes a long way.” She ends by telling me about the time a lady from corporate told her how she really appreciate the work she has done for the company.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Things You Should Ask Yourself before Franchising

The key to being successful in any from of business, or anything you chose to do in life, is to educate yourself. Don’t be so close-minded that you feel like just because you are an entrepreneur that you don’t have to educate yourself. Education is key, and I hope to turn on that mental light bulb in your mind with these five questions you should ask yourself before franchising.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Music Industry Chalkboard: The Numbers That Matter

In business, knowing the financial side of things always puts you at an advantage. In the music industry, there is no difference. A lot of money is made, but a lot of money has to be passed around. I know your music is hot and that you have it all figured out. You are going to get yourself a deal with a

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Everyone one in life has a story that molds who they are and the current state that they are in. From school, work, your business, or just your everyday life, the choices that you make are the roots of your story. As humans being we all have things we can control and things we cannot. One thing that we can

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Williams Brothers Management Group works with many subcultures of entertainment. To stay ahead in the music industry, lots of research has to be performed. When WBMG works with music artists, it’s important for the company to be aware of all the trends, as it relates to how music is being purchased. The

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Be yourself 100% of the time!

As a manager, a leader, and a business professional, it is important not let society place you in a box. If you cannot say “NO”, you have no business being a leader. We all have dreams and goals that we want to accomplish but never forget that they belong to you. If you want to be a doctor,

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Success" How bad do you want it?

                                                        Great Leaders inspire others

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Thou Shall Not Steal"

We have all heard the saying "Business is Business." Many people use this to justify their wrongdoing. In the music industry a lot of things are done that are unethical but there is one thing that is very common in music today, stealing.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Permission of the Artist

When it comes to artist management, it helps if the artist manager is a leader. Yeah, you can be an artist manager without being a leader but artist management is all about the relationship and teamwork between the artist and his/her manager. Without thesethings, the artist will not be
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