A clear parallel can be made to the changes in the way
artists are able to sustain themselves. There are more and more incredible
indie labels out there to support and amplify artists in a sustainable and
organic way. The people at Kickstarter have enabled filmmakers, craftsmen and
many others to raise funds to continue creating, and market to an eagerly
awaiting market of supporters.
The perspective for these indie artists is different from
those artists still caught up in the MTV era. The latter wants nothing more
badly than to be on The Voice as a special guest, or in US Weekly with their
famous boyfriend, or be grabbed up by the hand of a major label that makes
everything easy for them and gives them a bag of money. Some of those artists
will succeed for a certain period and for that more power to them. But most
artists that pursue this will fall between the cracks.
It’s a lot harder to build your own floor, and it takes a
lot longer than just hiring a big company to make it for you. The hard work is
a lot less sexy than the sunglasses and the fancy parties you thought you might
attend. But if you build your own floor, with the help of a dedicated small
team/label that’s on the same page as you are, you can make sure the boards
close tightly and you’ll never fall lower than the last level you built.