Saturday, October 15, 2011


Everyone one in life has a story that molds who they are and the current state that they are in. From school, work, your business, or just your everyday life, the choices that you make are the roots of your story. As humans being we all have things we can control and things we cannot. One thing that we can
all control is the choices that we make.

 Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, shared his story in May of 2010, at Princeton University. We have all been kids at one point in our life and have done a lot of things without putting much thought to them. Jeff Bezos used one of his childhood stories to build trust with the audience and show them that he is just as human as they are. This childhood story was a significant event in Jeff’s life, and over time helped him start Amazon.

Jeff tells the audience how as a child he was very into numbers and calculating things. Doing trips with his grandparents, Jeff unintentionally made his grandmother cry. How did this child make his grandmother cry?  Easy! Jeff did what all children do, act without thinking. Jeff seen an ad about smoking that said, every puff of a cigarette takes two minutes off of your life. His grandmother was a smoker, so Jeff decided he would keep tracks of the number of puffs his grandmother took and do the math. He eventually told her that she had taken nine years off of her life. Jeff learned that day that it is harder to be kind then clever.

After hearing Jeff Bezos commencement speech I have a better understanding of who he is because he connected with me by using down to earth stories that we all have. Jeff also shares the fact that we all have gifts and choices. Cleverness is a gift and kindness is a choice. Will you live a life of ease or a life of service and adventure? With that being said, my choice is simple. What will your choice be?

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